
Seeds of Decay - 5e campaign setting, bestiary, & adventure

Created by Darryl T. Jones

A crack has formed in the darkness, leaking decay into the forest, twisting its creatures into terrible monstrosities.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys are on the way + The Acorn Inn
over 2 years ago – Thu, Apr 07, 2022 at 08:31:55 PM

Greetings adventurers of the Alwaysgreen Forest! 

Good news--the smoke tests have gone off without a hitch! This means I can now release surveys to everyone!

Not all surveys are sent from BackerKit as soon as I hit "send". Depending on the number of backers, they may be staggered. Therefore, it may take a little more time for surveys to reach everyone, so I recommend waiting a couple of days to ensure BackerKit has had ample time to send them all. If you don’t receive your survey immediately, that’s completely normal! Thank you for your patience!

When you receive your survey, we ask that you complete them as soon as possible so we can make our orders with the production facility. The longer this step takes the longer we have to wait for the product! We’re looking to get 80% of the surveys filled before production starts so we can ensure we have enough for everyone. 

Shipping will be charged when preorders close.

As I work to build a strong company where I can make amazing games and 5e content for all of you, it's exceeding important that I get this step right. There continues to be fluctuation in shipping prices and interruptions in the global supply chain.  I've already experienced this as my dice manufacturer had to stop production for a period of time. But do not fear, they are back to work and everything is going smoothly. In fact, many in the industry believe that much of the supply chain issues will be improved later this year.

This has led me to make the decision to wait until we close preorders to charge shipping. This will ensure the most accurate weights and estimates possible. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Additional Info

Be sure to review the guide posted in the last update. Additionally, Hit Point Press has put together a fantasticPost-Kickstarter Campaign Guide. Please review that if you encounter any problems while filling out your survey! 

Here are some common reasons why your survey may not have reached you!

1) Confirm what email address you used to pledge on Kickstarter! The survey will be emailed to that address. If you used a private relay Apple ID to pledge on Kickstarter, you'll need to contact the support team to update your email address with BackerKit.

Please be sure to include your Apple ID email or, if failing that, the name associated with your Kickstarter account in your message to support.

2) Double check your junk/spam folder. Sometimes the filters sweep up our precious survey emails 😠

3) Use this link to resend the survey to your email address!

If after completing all of these steps you're still unable to locate your survey and you’ve waited a few days for it to come in, reach out to support at [email protected] or join the Discord!

 The Acorn Inn

I thought it would be fun to share the first few paragraphs from the Acorn Inn. The Inn is located in Oak Den (get it, acorns come from oak trees?) and is the most iconic location in the adventure. Your party will get to know it well. Why not start now?

The Acorn Inn has all the comforts of home. Beatrice cooks all the meals, three hearty plates a day. Pumpkin bread with acorn butter, honey berry tarts, spinach salad with slices of grilled squash and murkmellon mead are always popular. Plus, there never fails to be a warm pot of hazelnut stew hanging over the fire. There seems to be no limit to Breatrice’s imagination, creating scrumptious dishes from produce in every season.

The inn has six rooms upstairs and can sleep nearly twenty, if people are willing to share. There is an adjoining general store that carries goods from the local farmers and crafters. A traveling merchant stocks the shelves with goods from out of the area.

1. Entrance

The large inn wraps more than three-quarters around the base of a magnificent oak. Warm light pours out of large windows on the ground floor. Smaller widows, most of which have the curtains drawn, line the second story, nestled under a sloped red shingle roof. On the West side of the building are three simple stalls for foxes or other riding animals. Further around the inn past the stalls is another entrance that caters to the general store.

Large wooden doors greet you as you step up onto the porch. Each has a large acorn carved into it, framed by an ornate braid. A wooden sign arches over the doors that reads, Acorn Inn.

2. The Dining Room and Bar

Warm light fills this large room, day and night. Lacquered wall panels reflect light from lanterns and windows. Square wooden floor tiles have been worn smooth from generations of footsteps. You can’t help but feel at home in the Acorn Inn.

Round tables, each with enough stools for four fill this main room. A simple stage is elevated only a step from the main floor is in the corner West of the main doors. A young male dobber with blonde hair polishes the bar to a red-oak gleam. Behind him, the tree’s trunk has shelves and cabinets build into it with mugs, dinner ware and bottles. Three large barrels, each with a tap, are nestled in the center. Above them, out of reach for most without a ladder, hangs a beautiful tapestry, displaying one of the most detailed maps of the Alwaysgreen Forest that you’ve seen.

“Hellooooo,” calls a friendly voice as Beatrice enters from a passage to the right of the bar. She’s carrying a tray with a painted clay teapot and two cups. “I’ll be with you in a moment, dearys,” she says to you with a smile and steps into a side room.


In addition to running the Acorn Inn, Beatrice is the honorary mayor of Oak Den. She runs the city meetings, organizes the annual Pumpkin Fest and is everyone’s adopted grandma. As one of the town’s elders and the most public among them, it’s obvious why many come to her for help or advice. However, none mistake her motherly demeanor for weakness. She keeps order in the Inn and anyone who causes trouble is likely to get a skillet to the side of the head!

2a. The Stage

Beatrice likes to provide some entertainment during the busier times, especially during festivals. She hires traveling musicians instead of having a permanent in-house performer. She likes the variety and believes it’s a good way to stay current.

When the party first sees the stage read:

A beautiful red squirrel perches on a stool with a lute across her lap. Her deep brown eyes draw you in as she plays. Her song fills the room with life and energy. Onlookers immediately recognize, “Dance in the Moon” and hum or sing along. After the first chorus the squirrel stands on the stool, dancing around while she plays, causing it to tip from side to side precariously. How she keeps from crashing to the ground is a total mystery.


Thanks again for all of your amazing support!


Darryl T. Jones aka Splattered Ink

Smoke Test + BackerKit Survey Guide!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Apr 03, 2022 at 01:25:16 AM

Hey backers!

It's time for surveys to go out, but first, the smoke test. The Smoke Test is sent to a portion, around 10% of backers, to assure that everything is set up right.  If you don’t receive one during this process, your survey will go out with the rest of the backers once we’ve confirmed everything is working as expected! The smoke test should go out later today or tomorrow. I'm just waiting on Backerkit to approve it.

Below, we’ve included a guide to help you complete your surveys.

BackerKit Survey Guide

1) Select your country for shipping and click "Get Started". If you would like to upgrade to a higher pledge tier, locate the link under the "Get Started" button and click that instead. Please note that if you switch pledge levels, add-ons selected on Kickstarter will not be automatically applied to BackerKit.

How to change your pledge level.

2) Please read the question prompts and proceed into the BackerKit "store" (Add-Ons section).

3) Once in the store, you’ll see a list of the items included in your Kickstarter pledge to the right of the page. On the left, you’ll see the options for add-ons!

How things should look during Add-Ons (Selected Kickstarter add-ons are highlighted in blue)

4) Once you've selected all the items you want, click "Next".

5) Enter your shipping address and click "Next".

6) Confirm the provided information is correct, pay for extra add-ons, and click "Confirm"

Preview your selections here!

7) You will see this below once you have completed the survey!

Surveys and addresses will be locked closer to fulfillment so you’ll be able to make changes even after submitting your survey until we let you know otherwise! Payment for outstanding balances will be collected at a later date.

When the surveys go out, I ask that you complete them as soon as possible so I have the most accurate numbers for the production facility. The longer this step takes the longer we have to wait for the product! I want to get 80% of the surveys filled before production starts.

Shipping will be charged when preorders close.

As I work to build a strong company where I can make amazing games and 5e content for all of you, it's exceeding important that I get this step right. There continues to be fluctuation in shipping prices and interruptions in the global supply chain.  I've already experienced this as my dice manufacturer had to stop production for a period of time. But do not fear, they are back to work and everything is going smoothly. In fact, many in the industry believe that much of the supply chain issues will be improved later this year.

This has led me to make the decision to wait until we close preorders to charge shipping. This will ensure the most accurate weights and estimates possible. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Commonly Asked Questions on BackerKit Surveys

Can I upgrade my pledge through the survey?

Yes! When you get your survey hit the button below "Get Started". This will enable you to up your pledge tier in case you've decided you want a different deal!

My payment didn’t go through and I was dropped from the Kickstarter. What do I do?

Don’t panic! You should still receive the BackerKit survey and you’ll be able to pay for your pledge there.

I missed the campaign. When will preorders be open? They're now live!

Preorders are now live! If you had a friend or colleague who missed out share this link with them!:

Orders placed here are considered BackerKit preorders, not Kickstarter pledges, and will ship after we fulfill backer rewards.

Have questions? Reach out!

Leave a comment, e-mail me at [email protected] or join the Discord!


Darryl T. Jones aka Splattered Ink

BackerKit Smoke Test, Shipping + Creature STL Files
over 2 years ago – Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 05:41:03 AM

Hey backers! Thanks again for your overwhelming support and enthusiasm for this project. Now that the campaign is over, the real work has begun! I'm so excited to have you along for this journey with me.

In this update, I have news regarding BackerKit surveys, shipping, and the creature STL files!

Smoke tests next week!

I will be sending smoke tests next week to ensure everything with the surveys goes smoothly. A small percentage of backers will get their surveys and the feedback from that test will tell me if there are any errors or issues that need to be addressed before I send it out to everyone. When it comes back with no errors, I’ll be sending the rest out in batches next week! Keep an eye on your inbox!

When the surveys go out, I ask that you complete them as soon as possible so I have the most accurate numbers for the production facility. The longer this step takes the longer we have to wait for the product! I want to get 80% of the surveys filled before production starts.

Please note: only 10% of backers will get the smoke test, so don’t panic if you are in a later batch!

Shipping will be charged when preorders close.

As I work to build a strong company where I can make amazing games and 5e content for all of you, it's exceeding important that I get this step right. There continues to be fluctuation in shipping prices and interruptions in the global supply chain.  I've already experienced this as my dice manufacturer had to stop production for a period of time. But do not fear, they are back to work and everything is going smoothly. In fact, many in the industry believe that much of the supply chain issues will be improved later this year.

This has led me to make the decision to wait until we close preorders to charge shipping. This will ensure the most accurate weights and estimates possible. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

 The first 4 creature STLs will be sent soon! 

For those who are receiving the set of STL creatures, I want to get them into your hands as soon as possible. They were essentially done during the campaign, but I've chosen to revisit them to ensure easy 3d printing by you at home. 

First, I have a question: Would you be interested having these creatures printed for you? Some of you expressed an interest in having the physical models. I've been exploring options for providing these to you. They would be 3d resin prints, shipped directly to you. 

Let me know if you're interested in 3d prints by answering a few questions here! 

It won’t be much longer before they’re ready to distribute. In fact, once 80% of BackerKit surveys get filled out, we’ll release them to celebrate!

Commonly Asked Questions on BackerKit Surveys

Can I upgrade my pledge through the survey?

Yes! When you get your survey hit the button below "Get Started". This will enable you to up your pledge tier in case you've decided you want a different deal!

My payment didn’t go through and I was dropped from the Kickstarter. What do I do?

Don’t panic! You should still receive the BackerKit survey and you’ll be able to pay for your pledge there.

I missed the campaign. When will preorders be open? They're now live!

Preorders are now live! If you had a friend or colleague who missed out share this link with them!:

Orders placed here are considered BackerKit preorders, not Kickstarter pledges, and will ship after we fulfill backer rewards.

Have questions? Reach out!

Leave a comment, e-mail me at [email protected] or join the Discord!


Darryl T. Jones aka Splattered Ink

Thank you! You did it!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 04:44:42 PM

All in Dobberton shout for joy and blow trumpets of victory! Thank you to each and every one of you, 1,653 backers! I couldn't have done this without you.

When I created the Dobbers, over 20 years ago, I never dared believe it would be come such a integral a vibrant part of my life. It's a gift be able to share the work with you that has become so important to me and my family. 

You'll find a world that is not too unlike our own, one that is scary at times, with darkness and worry. But also, not unlike our own, it's full of people that never give up hope. People that care for each other, fight for what is right and are never to small to make a difference. 

What's next?

  •  I will continue to update you here on the progress of this project, ideally, once a month.
  • Playtest Opportunities. 

There will be opportunities for you to playtest and preview content as it's developed. I will share those details in a future update.

  •  Seeds of Decay actual play stream. 

We stream most Fridays on my Twitch channel. We're taking a few weeks off so I can recover after this Kickstarter, but will be live again on March 11th. 2pm CT. 

  • Kickstarter processes pledges

Kickstarter is going to begin to process payments for this campaign and the process can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks. When we get confirmation from them that this step is complete, we’ll send out BackerKit surveys!

  • BackerKit surveys go out!

Surveys will then be sent out to collect your shipping details along with your pledge and add-ons. You'll be able to upgrade your pledge or add additional add-ons with the survey as well! Surveys will be open until we start fulfilling, but to guarantee your order we suggest filling out the survey as soon as possible.

  • Digital Rewards

We will be sending you the digital files through BackerKit as rewards are completed. The PDF of the campaign setting has an estimated release date of Fall 2022!

Did you or a friend miss out on backing the campaign? It’s not too late!

We will be accepting late pledges for the books, box set and add-ons! Everything that's been unlocked will be available for preorder.

Late pledges are live, click here to check it out!

Thanks again to everyone who’s supported us throughout the campaign.

Welcome to the Alwaysgreen Forest!


Again, thank you all for your support! We’d like to extend an extra-special thank you to all of our guest designers and to all of you who shared, liked, and retweeted our project. Thank you to my family who went on this wild quest with me!

Your friend and fellow adventurer,

Darryl T. Jones 

Animated Spell Cards Unlocked! Add-on available!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 04:11:48 PM

All stretch goals have been unlocked!

Fizzgig is excited too!

I'm so excited! That was amazing, you smashed another Stretch Goal! Thank you! The last 48 hours have blown me away!

You can now add the Animated Spell cards to your pledges as an add-on!

Where will the total be in a few more hours?

I appreciate you, Darryl